CSS Galore
The missing code registry for CSS
- clip-shapes
Collection of CSS Shapes with clean and reusable code.
Based on the The Modern Guide For Making CSS Shapes article at Smashing Magazine by Temani Afif.
- layouts
Common layout patterns using modern techniques like grid and flex. by Óscar Otero
- loaders
Collection of CSS pure loaders, from CSS-Tricks serie of articles. By Temani Afif
- nice-effects
Collection of basic CSS efects
- normalize
Normalize browsers’ default style by Óscar Otero
- tricks
Collection of CSS tricks and effects
by Óscar Otero
- ui-normalize
Normalize browsers’ default style for user interfaces and design systems
by Óscar Otero
Writing high quality CSS is not easy. And not because CSS is a complicated language (it's not easy either), but due the lack of something other languages have: a registry of reusable packages. While JavaScript has NPM, PHP has Packagist, Rust has Crates, or Python has PyPI, in CSS you have to copy and paste code from blog posts, Stack Overflow, or your personal collection of snippets.
You can use a CSS framework like Tailwind or Bootstrap, but if you want to create something unique, you may have to write all the styles from scratch or reuse code from previous projects. Imagine that JavaScript, Rust, or Go developers couldn't import packages and they had to implement everything by themselves? Well, that's what happens with CSS.
CSS Galore is the missing code repository for CSS. It was created by Óscar Otero as an experiemental project.
How it works?
CSS Galore is not like the typical package manager where the imported code is stored in a separate directory (say css_modules
) and cannot be modified but updated using semantic versions. This model is too rigid for CSS, which requires much more flexibility and adaptability and doesn't have a native mechanism to import/export modules. It could also cause some troubles like conflicts of class names, breaking changes after updating dependencies, etc. That's why in CSS Galore, the code is added directly to your CSS file and becomes part of your code, so you can edit it to adapt to your needs. This reduce the complexity and ensure stability.
How to collaborate?
There's an API at api.css.gal generated by the code registry repository. This repository is open for everybody to contribute with Pull requests with more CSS packages.
How to use it?
For now, there's a Visual Studio Code plugin to search and insert any module registered in CSS Galore. Just type add/<package>/<module>
to insert the code automatically.